Farm Box (Large)
The Veg
Each week you will receive a box of seasonal veggies, microgreens (and sometimes fruit or canning!). While the quantity and variety will change over the season, we aim for our full share size boxes to feed between 4 big veggie lovers, or a regular family of 6. This farm box will average 8 items per box worth $48/week.
We try to include some salad ingredients in each box, plus some root vegetables, fruiting vegetables (tomatoes, zucchini, peas etc.), herbs, larger greens (kale, chard, pac choi, stir fry mixes) and other seasonal offerings. In the early season you can expect more greens (salad mixes, spinach, arugula, stir fry mix, micro greens), radishes, pac choi, peas, rhubarb, spring onions, and spring herbs. Mid to late summer, we’ll move into zucchini, tomatoes, garlic, pattypan squash, cucumbers, beans, beets, carrots, and warm season herbs like basil and parsley. Into the fall you can expect a variety of cooking greens such as pac choi, plus spaghetti and winter squash, leeks, potatoes, pumpkins, and apples. Find a full list of what we grow here.
June 26 to October 2, that’s 15 weeks of healthy seasonal veggies grown with you in mind.
The Buy In
$690 - upfront or $48/week. Part time options available. We accept cash, cheques, credit card and email transfers. Payment can be arranged at checkout on our online store.
CSA is a prepaid model which provides farmers with a much needed influx of cash in the spring when they're making major purchases such as seeds and equipment. With this in mind, prepaid gets a lower price as you are helping us out with our farm season.
We’re happy to answer any questions you have about the program. You can reach Ryan at 780-803-2381. Our email is reclaimurbanfarm@gmail.com